Friday, January 01, 2010


Ok, let's get things straight from the get-go: I'm not resolving to do anything. I've learned that these things I want to do take time to become habit, and by resolving to change overnight I set myself up for failure. So here, rather, we have a list of things I am going to work toward this year. Baby steps at first, but leading into leaping strides. Here we go:

I will write my book and work to get it published.

I will find a job that doesn't cause panic attacks and severe stress.

I will be a better husband and father.

I will wake up early to work on writing/drawing projects before work.

After work, I will spend less time online and more time with my family.

I will focus more on making/saving money and less on spending it.

I will stop letting stress from my one crappy job adversely affect my two good jobs.

I will no longer allow my Crohn's disease to affect my lifestyle.

There ya go. Guess I'll get to work on these now. Happy New Year. Cheers.


  1. Sound like some admirable goals for 2010. Thanks for visiting my blog and I look forward to reading more of yours.
