Heyo, gonna do a DOUBLE POST this evening :)
First up, my weekend adventures. Secondly, as a result of my weekend adventures, I got caught up on some comics. REVIEWS!
So anyway, Saturday evening is when it all started. Emily was feeding Olivia on the way to dinner when she started twitching a bit. It got more and more intense, went on for about 5 minutes, then stopped. Through it all, she never lost consciousness, and even continued to eat. We took her to the ER, and it turns out she has the flu. H1N1? We aren't sure, and it really doesn't matter because the treatment is the same. Anyway, we stayed until Monday evening, just to make sure that it was
indeed the flu that sparked the seizure. All other tests came back negative, so it turns out it was the flu, not something more serious such as epilepsy or meningitis.
This picture breaks my heart. Here she is getting an EEG but she's smiling like a trooper.
So we come home Monday night, sleep in our own bed for the first time in three days, and think everything is A-OK. Heh.
This morning, Emily woke up to sharp pains in her chest and abdomen. Thinking it was nothing, she stepped into the bathroom while I fed Olivia her morning pears. Suddenly, I heard a loud scream from the bathroom floor. I left Olivia in her highchair and found Emily doubled over in the floor gasping for air. Called 911, and the ambulance came and took her to the ER. I stuck around with Olivia, because she is still kinda quarantined, until Emily's mom came to watch her.
Here I will insert one of those heart-breaking moments that apparently parents have to deal with from time to time. The transformation of Olivia's face from happy-go-lucky-I'm-eating-my-pears to pure terror as these strangers came into her house and took her mama away was gut-wrenching. It broke something inside me, and all the stress of the past few days came rushing out. Olivia and I had a little father-daughter cryfest in the living room for a few minutes.
So anyway, Rene arrived, Olivia and I recovered, so I got my tail out the door and to my wife's bedside. When I arrived, she was still in pain, and they've got her doped up on morphine. Like, a small cow's worth of morphine. They did a CT scan and, after several hours of waiting, we found out she has an ovarian cyst. Very painful, and something that, as a man, I will never understand, I'm sure, but not medically urgent. They gave her some pain medication and we came back home.
Here is where I insert another parental moment, as the look on Olivia's face as her mama came home was that of purest joy. I'm pretty glad she's home too. I'm glad both of my ladies are home. I'm sure the exhaustion will catch up with me soon.
So that was my weekend. How was yours?
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