Sunday, January 10, 2010

Secret Warriors Volume 1 Review

So, there's this guy named Nick Fury. I've never liked him, to be honest. Then I heard about this series Jonathan Hickman (with some help from Brian Michael Bendis) was doing about him. I found the hardcover today at a used bookstore for ten bucks. Ol' Hickman really restored my faith in the Fantastic Four. Could he and a ten dollar bill do the same for Nick Fury? Hit the jump to find out.

So I started flipping through this book (its really pretty, with pencils and inks by Stefano Caselli and colors by Danielle Rudoni) thinking this was a waste of money. And now, having finished it, this is all I can do:

And that, my friends, is a good thing. I like Nick Fury once more. I'm just gonna let the image speak for this book's quality. Go read it, right now.


  1. hmm, reviews in a single image. could be onto a winner there with that one.

    Secret Warriors is pretty awesome, so well done for jumping on board

  2. There wasn't much else to be said. Haha. It's an awesome book, and I got it for $10.
