Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Under a rock

Why oh why did I not realize this sooner?

All of my life, I've followed Marvel comics religiously. Spider-man and the Surfer were my heroes. Well, now that Spidey has gone down the toilet, and nothing decent gets written for the Surfer, I've decided to expand my horizons...

It all started with Identity Crisis. When I cracked it open and saw it was about Elongated Man, I nearly stopped right there. However, I pressed on, and have discovered what may be my new favorite graphic novel/trade. It's about the Justice League, but not really, and it brough
t me to tears at points.

Anyway, that opened the door to DC Comics. I've never been a big DC fan, but now I have no idea why. I've been picking up on the story with Green Lantern and the Sinestro Corps and I must say this Geoff Johns writes better than anything Marvel has put out in the past 5 years. Of course, he has Dave Gibbons backing him up, which doesn't hurt a dang thing.

Which brings me to this: Goodbye, Marvel. I will continue to check out your one-shots (such as Noir and Zombies) but your mainstream continuity is crap. I have a whole DC history to get caught up on. Unlees you crank out some Surfer soon, I think you'll continue to lose fans. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta get caught up on the trials and tribulations of Hal Jordan.

PS: Speaking of Green Lantern and Silver Surfer, I leave you with this gem I just picked up today. Why don't more stories like this get written? Green Lantern/Silver Surfer is on of the best one shots I've read in quite some time.


  1. we should totally get a petition going and send it to Marvel. We'll call it, "This Is What Happens When True Believers Go To the Distinguished Competition."

  2. You aren't does Stan Lee let this go on? Where is Jack Kirby? John Romita? Marvel used to be great. Now what? Marvel APES? Where does that even come from? I am fully committed to DC now, even though I'm reading through Eternals right now...I was mildly excited about it until I found out it ties in to the dang Civil War crap.

    Hal Jordan rules.

  3. Ahh the Eternals is great! We have all the double single issues with varient covers, plus the hardcover. And the Civil War tie-in isn't as annoying as you would think. Doug even got Neil to sign a page!

  4. I'll have to tell you the story about how I got Neil to sign "The Fuck Off! Civil War page!" Truly one of my proudest moments as a fan.

  5. You will definitely have to tell me about that...haha. Yeah Eternals made 1602 look like a FoxTrot strip. I loved it.

  6. Have you checked out the cosmic side of Marvel recently? Specially since you are a Silver Surfer fan.

    War of Kings, Nova, and Guardians of the Galaxy have all been great so far. Definitely the best from Marvel right now.

  7. Its funny you should mention that. I was reading your reviews of the last issue yesterday, and that lead me to your War of Kings primer. I had been wanting to check out Annihilation (for the Surfer of course) and seeing where the cosmic part of the Marvel universe is heading, I decided to have a "Power Cosmic Marathon" to get myself caught up so maybe by the time the War of Kings trade comes out I'll be prepped.
